Anthem Public School
 Rola, Hazaribag


Managed by Anthem Education Trust

Our  institution, apart from academic excellence provides environment to propagate cultural, traditional, moral and spiritual values of life. Education reflects the spirit of the age. Its shapes and moulds the students according to its new ideas. Thus our school is not only confined to the educational sphere but it is a mission also to cut across the barriers of caste and smooth out inequalities imposed by birth and other circumstances. We provide moral education to cut across the barriers of class distinction social evils, and gender inequalities. Feelings of nationalism, secularism and socialism are inculcated into the students from the very beginning through various means.

Aims and Objective Of Our School

ApS expects from the students who came to complete their studies to be persons of competence, conscience, compassion and commitment. It strive to give its students a solid well rounded formation for life. It hopes to groom the students truly integrated persons of deep faith in their ability to be capable of shouldering responsibilities towards their country, families, neighbour, fellow human and the environment. The Broad mission Statements of APS is lined below 1, Anthem is dedicated to create erudite upright leaders of tomorrow world. Z. It will strive an all-round personality in its students. The school will nurture the creative and independent thinking of every student and bring out the leadership skills inherent in every child. There will be special emphasis on the ethics and stress on individual character and integrity of the child. 3. Anthem will provide education that is best suited to meet tomorrow's challenges. The education atAnthem will provide equal stress on classroom and outdoor activites. 4. it will lay stress on sports not just for physical development but also to inculcate the spirit of competitiveness, leadership and teamwork. These skill will prepare our students for a challenging tomorrow. 5. Anthem will wquip its students to excel in their adult life long after they left us by imparting the necessary knowledge, leadership and social skills. Anthem willexpect its students to be much more than an average citizen of the world. Our student will help shape the society around them.

Goals and Objective

1. Curriculum wise’ by enabling the teachers to construct and deliver appropriate curriculum for students. 2. ‘Assessment wise’ by equipping the teachers with knowledge about a variety of assessment measures to evaluate students’ learning and development. 3. ‘Relationship wise’ by enabling teachers to establish professional and reciprocal relationships with others invested in students’ learning. 4. ‘Environment Wise ‘ by enabling teachers to positive and caring environments for students’ development and learning. 5. So Far the institutions’ stated vision. Mission and values and objectives have been made known to the various stakeholders through meetings and informal discussions. 6. The institution’s goals and objectives do address the needs of the society, the students it seek to serve , the school sector, education institutions traditions and value orientations. Kindly see detailed description of objectives. 7. The major considerations addressed by the institutions objectives are Equity, self-Development, Value Orientation and Employment.